Start by clicking your personal registration link, usually provided in an email or found on your partner brand's supplier portal.


Step 1. Enter your email address, check the box for Privacy Policy and the Terms and Conditions of use.

Click on Continue to proceed to step 2.

Step 2. Check your inbox for an email with the one-time-password. 

Enter the 6-digit code from the email into the 6 boxes. If you didn't receive an email, you can resend it or check the spam folder.

Click on Sign up to proceed to step 3.

Step 3. 
Field 1: Enter the name of your organization / company, eg. Quizrr Limited Inc.

Field 2: If you know your brands site ID, please add it.

Field 3: Choose the country your organization is located in.

Field 4: Provide the organisation’s number of employees (approx.). This is optional but will improve the outcome.

After filling out the details click on Continue to proceed to the final step.

Step 4 [Optional].

If you want to, invite a co-worker directly by writing their email address in the first field. Or you can copy the link in the second field to share the same invite through which ever channel you prefer.
Click “Continue” to finalize the registration.

Start training.

Welcome to the dashboard. Here you’ll be able to see your data, access your training and share it with your colleagues. Click the green button to start the training.

Do you need additional help? Contact us by submitting a ticket here